[♥] Valermaine Sherie
ShermaineNg & ValerieYi Makes up Valermaine Sherie.
We are freaking huge giants, at the age of 15.
We don't need love or care that isn't genuine, because we have each other.
We love hanging out because there's bound to be laughters and tons of fun all the time.
Althogh both of us are 15 already, we still love cartoons and anime.
SpongeBob, FairlyOddParents, Tom & Jerry, Bleach and Naruto are the best cartoon known be us (:
We cannot tolerate twits, creepy crawlies, and definately poseurs.
It's like, WHO THE FUCK CAN TOLERATE THEM !? They are the most disgusting creations on Earth.
Don't judge us by calling us an ahlian(s) or minah(s) just because of the way we act, express and dress ourselves.
We're 101% sure that we ain't some mothafucking bitch that goes around finding trouble with people.
Yeah, we have a really colourful vocabulary of vulgarities. And we ain't afraid to use it :D
We don't give shit about how mothafuckas think of us, because we ain't changing for them.
Many mothafuckas' spread rumors and gossips, Just don't go overboard and we'll not bother.
However, if you really piss us off after we told you to stop, you'll definately regret.
One more thing , Valermaine Sherie ROCKS!!!! \m/